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Histoical Love Stories

by Maryann Pisano on February 8, 2014

Tristan and Isolde


This Celtic legend has several versions, but mostly all of them are the same.  Isolde is supposed to marry Tristan’s uncle King Mark.  While on the way to Cornwall, Isolde drinks a love potion, making her fall madly in love with Tristan. Even though she marries King Mark, she still cannot resist Tristan.  They are eventually caught, and escape death.

Cleopatra and Mark Antony


Cleopatra and Mark Antony went into history for their tragic end.  After being defeated by the Romans, Mark Antony stabbed himself after falsely learning that Cleopatra was dead.  Cleopatra then killed herself.  Cleopatra and Mark Antony are said to be buried by each other.

Romeo and Juliet


After meeting and falling in love with Romeo, Juliet secretly marries him.  Her father then urges her to marry Paris.  This causes the two to want to escape.  Juliet drinks a sleeping potion to make her family think she is dead.  Romeo sees her “dead” and kills himself.  When Juliet wakes up and realizes Romeo is dead, she kills herself, too.

Adam and Eve


According to the Bible, Adam and Eve were the first two humans created by God.  God wanted them to enjoy his creations.  God told Adam to cultivate the garden, name the animals, and eat the garden’s fruit.  In the Book of Genesis, God told Adam to eat anything in the garden except the food from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.  Later, Eve was deceived by Satan to eat the fruit.  Adam and Eve sinned by placing their desires above God.

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