Post image for Foods That May Put You at Risk for Breast Cancer #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth

Foods That May Put You at Risk for Breast Cancer #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth

by Maryann Pisano on October 1, 2015


  1. High Fat- Dairy

Foods that are high in estrogen and hormones may put you more at risk for developing breast cancer.  Opt for skim milk or low fat- dairy products.

2.  Sugar

A 2007 study showed that foods with high glycemic levels affect blood sugar, which can lead to cancers.  Avoid a lot of processed foods and sweets.

3.  Grilled Meats

Grilled meats at high temperatures can increase development of heterocyclic amines, thus can lead to cancer.

4.  High Fat Animal Products

A high fat diet raises estrogen and prolactin levels, which can lead to different cancers.

5.  Artificial Sweeteners 

Do you love Diet Coke?  Well, watch out.  Artificial sweeteners, or products that contain aspartame may increase the risk of breast cancer.  Here’s an idea… drink water!


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