Facebook Statuses Decoded by Psychologist

by Maryann Pisano on April 3, 2011


The information presented in this website and the comments from Dr. Hughes are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or psychological disorder. The information presented is not a substitute for medical, psychological or psychiatric treatment. You are advised to seek professional medical and psychological help as necessary.

Comments from Dr. Hughes:

Did you know that when we write something, like a Facebook status, we believe that the meaning will be clear to everyone but in fact, it is misinterpreted half the time?

1.  I am always so busy!  My job takes up 100% of my time!  I hardly have time to eat and take a shower!

**TRANSLATION:  Leave me alone.

This person is obviously not too busy to type in a long Facebook status, so this is really a statement directed toward everyone trying to chat with them, poke them, and illicit comments from them.  It’s a blanket excuse to pull back for a while.

2.  Getting ready for tonight!  My girls and I plan on getting completely trashed!

**TRANSLATION:  I am a very boring person.

People who give this message are clearly stating that the best way for them to have fun is to drink so much alcohol that they do things that they wouldn’t do sober and won’t remember later.  The goal of “getting trashed” loses its luster for interesting people after one time.

3.  I love my boyfriend so much!  he is everything a boyfriend should be.  I love being in the perfect relationship!

**TRANSLATION:  I feel insecure in my romantic relationship.

Anyone who needs to publically post this may come off as “bragging” to her friends; but I guarantee the message is more directed to that perfect relationship partner.  This person wants the boyfriend to see the message and reciprocate to help her feel better.

4.  I love my life so much!

**TRANSLATION:  Let’s talk about ME!

People who write this kind of general, supremely positive statement, are trying communicating that they want attention from others.  This almost begs for the reader to follow-up with “Why?  Tell me about your life!”, which is the exact topic the person wanted to focus on them to begin with.

5.  Packing for Mexico!  Can’t wait to get out of here and get my tan on.

**TRANSLATION:  I need a change.

This person is not only changing their location, but their skin color as well.  The change could be rooted in something as simple as changing seasons (anyone sick of Chicago’s winter?) or changing routine (vacation time from work) or changing priorities (time to think about myself and my appearance for a change).

6.  What a fabulous day!  Beach, shopping, and out to lunch!

TRANSLATION:  I am high maintenance.

So many ways to have a “fabulous” day… enjoying family and friends, learning something new, reaching out to help others, sitting peacefully in self-reflection, etc.  This person’s happiness involves consuming: seeing and being seen at the beach, buying things, and eating in a restaurant.  Although there is nothing wrong with this sort of day, the extreme elation indicates that anything less than that won’t cut it.

Dr. Carsi Hughes received her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Northwestern University Medical School. She is a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in adult psychopathology, clinical neuropsychology, and psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Academic appointments include Associate Clinical Professor of Psychology and Post Baccalaureate Pre-Medical Studies at Dominican University.

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