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True Life: My Ex Moved on Before Me

by Maryann Pisano on July 1, 2022

My ex-boyfriend and I broke up a year and a half ago. When we broke up, I was so upset. I really thought he was the person I was supposed to be with for the rest of my life.

After we broke up, I would constantly check his Facebook and Instagram pages to see his new life without me.

The weeks following our breakup, there were a lot pictures of him out with friends, which was normal. I was trying to do the same thing.

My therapist advised me to stop looking at his social media accounts. Looking at them would only make the wounds worse, and it would be harder for me to move on.

I promised myself I wouldn’t look at any of his pages the next few months. I focused on myself– I worked out, went out with my friends, and went on a few dates. But, he always stayed at the back of my mind.

One night out of boredom, I decided to look at his Facebook page. Time had healed some of my heartbreak, and I knew I could handle whatever I saw. Little did I know that I would stumble upon pictures of him and his new girlfriend. I burst into tears.

When did he meet her? How did he meet her? They seemed so love. How did it happen so fast? Maybe she’s better than me...

I took screen shots of their pictures together and sent them to all my friends.

My cousin, who’s divorced, was honest.

“Yes, it really stings to see an ex with someone else,” she said. “But think about why you broke up.”

Think about why we broke up.

There were a million reasons why we broke up. The first reason was that I was very unhappy.

Once I had gotten over the thought of him with someone else, I also needed to realize that he was not with someone better than me. Nobody is better than anybody. I had to let my insecurities not get the best of me.

I am a great catch, and I know some guy is going to realize that one day. I am excited for the day when I fall madly in love, but until that day comes, I’m content focusing on myself.

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